Friday, January 21, 2011

Jean Hemming Trick

I mentioned my son and I went shopping for his first mens sized pants.  The lengh was all wrong but they fit him so much better everywhere else...and I got a killer deal.  I didn't want to ruin them by hemming them myself because I hate the way they always look like 'I' hemmed them.  So I hired my good friend and amazing seamstress Chenelle to fix them for me. 
When I picked up Kaysns jeans she shared her trick to saving the origional hem on jeans with me.  It is so simple and looks great!  I hated that the stiching never looks the same after jeans are hemmed and being 5'4" I can rarely find pants off the rack that fit me well either....shorts are to short and regular lengh is ususally a little to long.  This fun trick allows me to keep the origional hem and distressing and get the length I need.  Thanks Chenelle!
If you look close you can see the stich line right above the origional hem...but it is totally unnoticable when your wearing them.
 She cut off the pants about 1 1/2 inches above the origional hem, then reattatched it, right sides together just above the origional hem. 
 She left a good inch and a half to allow for zig-zagging the edge and it helps eliminate the bulk from all sitting at the seam. 
I can't wait to try it the next time I buy pants.  They are much easier to sew because your putting less bulk through the machine and don't have to worry about getting the perfect sized hem.  Here is my handsome boy in his favorite of the 3 new pairs...the others aren't quite so trendy.  He looks great and finfally has jeans he is comfortable in. 
Perfect size perfect lengh!


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