Monday, January 10, 2011

Why blog? What Details?

I have wanted to start this blog for a while now.  I titled and opened it a few months ago, and wasn't sure I was ready.... so I let it sit. I am ready now.  I have spent the last 13 months recovering from back surgery (one on 12/14/2009 and a second on 6/14/2010) and I spent the few months prior to that simply surviving terrible back pain.  It has been a slow process and has been very difficult for me to take a back seat and not be able to do all of the things I love. I greatful to my amazing surgeon for giving me the opportunity to truly have a quality of life again!
I am still not 100% but after months of my DH and children taking care of our home....doing everything from laundry to gardening, dishes to decorating. We are all ready for me to get to back to 'normal' again. My house may very well be past the point of no return, but I want to start getting it re-organized, re-paired and re-vamped...probably shooting a little high, but I can at least get started....after all it took a year to get this bad.
I love all things creative, especially if I am creating for my home and family.  I believe in the phrase 'Love is in the Details.' Wether its a note in a lunchbox, redecorating a room, a card, a party, a clean fridge, a craft, or picnic at the park; I believe the little details show the people in your life how much you love them. (They may not notice the time you spend doing these things but it is a service and gives them a piece of who you are.)   So I try to ADD the little details, to NOTICE the little details and to DOCUMENT the little details.
I'm not sure where this blog will take me.  For now it is a place for me to show I am getting somewhere, that I took the time to do something special for my family, and that I can create beautiful things.  A place to record the little Details.


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